The Ross family, along with a core group of saints from Holland, Grand Haven, Muskegon, and Grand Rapids, Michigan founded Grace Life Bible Church in October 2007.
As the son of a Grace Minister, Pastor Bryan had the fortunate experience of being raised under Grace teaching. Upon graduating from Bader High School in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin in 1996, Bryan began attending Grace Bible College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After twice changing his major, Bryan decided to pursue two Bachelor’s Degrees through a cooperative program between Grace Bible College and Cornerstone University. This decision was motivated by two primary factors. First, Bryan possessed a burning desire to teach and preach the message of Grace. Second, as the son of a tent-making Grace Preacher, Bryan possessed firsthand knowledge of the financial struggle to make ends meet. Consequently, the decision was made to pursue a career teaching history at the secondary level as well as a degree in Religious Education. In the end, Bryan was awarded a Bachelor of Religious Education Degree from Grace Bible College and a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education from Cornerstone University.
While in college, Bryan met and married his wonderful wife Rebekah. Shortly after getting married, Bryan took a position filling the pulpit at West Side Grace Church in Muskegon, Michigan. Upon completing his undergraduate studies, Bryan officially became the pastor of West Side Grace Church, a position he filled for five years. In the meantime, Bryan and Becky moved to Cedar Springs, MI where Bryan took his first job teaching high school Social Studies at Creative Technologies Academy, where he taught until December 2007. During this time the Ross Family doubled in size, with the birth of their two sons.
In 2006, in order to meet the continuing education requirement to maintain his teaching certification. Bryan enrolled in graduate school at Norwich University in Vermont. In June of 2008, Bryan was awarded his Masters Degree in Military History. Currently, Bryan is utilizing his degree by teaching in the Social Studies Department of a large public High School in West Michigan.
In addition to attending Grace Bible College, Bryan also enrolled in Grace School of the Bible with Pastor Richard Jordan. This unique experience provided Pastor Ross with two different perspectives on Grace teaching. Thus having attended both institutions, Bryan can speak from an informed position on divergent doctrinal matters, rather than resorting to the hearsay and conjecture that has all too often dominated doctrinal disagreements within the wider Grace movement.
Conference Messages
2024 Grace School of the Bible Summer Family Conference
2024 Southern California Grace Bible Conference
- The Ministry of Reconciliation: What Is It And Why Is It So Unique?
- A Message Direct From God To You…”Be Ye Reconciled To God”
2023 Grace School of the Bible Summer Family Conference
2022 Grace School of the Bible Pastor’s Conference (April Meeting)
2019 West Michigan Grace Bible Conference
2019 Grace School of the Bible Summer Bible Conference
2018 West Michigan Grace Bible Conference
2018 Grace Lakes Grace Bible Conference
2018 Soldiers Training for Service Conference
2017 West Michigan Grace Bible Conference
2017 Grace Impact Summer Family Bible Conference
2017 Southern California Grace Conference
2016 Grace Impact Summer Family Bible Conference
2016 GraceWay Bible Church Edgewater, FL
- Orthography and the King James Bible: Are Throughly and Thoroughly Different Words? (Notes)
- Orthography and the King James Bible: Are Throughly and Thoroughly Different Words? (Audio)
2016 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
2015 Grace Impact Summer Family Bible Conference
2015 West Michigan Grace Bible Conference
- How Did We Get To Be In The Mess We Be In?
- God Made All or No God At All: Assessing the Claims of the New Atheists
2015 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
- Collation Comparing Variant English Readings in the Geneva, Bishops, and King James Bibles
- The Textual History of the English Bible (Notes)
- The Textual History of the English Bible (PowerPoint)
2015 Soldiers Training for Sevice Conference
2014 Soldiers Training For Service Conference
- Foundations Under Fire
- Ifs, Ands, and Buts: The Two Inheritance Controversy of Romans 8:17 2nd Edition
The Gospels Project
2013 Grace Impact Summer Family Bible Conference
2013 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
- The Line, The Wheel, and the Hill: A Scriptural Model for Understanding History – Notes
- The Line, The Wheel, and the Hill: A Scriptural Model for Understanding History – Presentation
- The Hope That Sustains
2013 Soldiers Training for Service Conference
- Bullinger, Hort, Riplinger, and the Mystery of Romans 16 – Notes
- Bullinger, Hort, Riplinger, and the Mystery of Romans 16 – Presentation
- The Origins of the Grace Movement in America: J.C. O’Hair 1920-1940 – Notes
- The Origins of the Grace Movement in America: J.C. O’Hair 1920-1940 – Presentation
2012 Day of the Lord Project
- Lesson 1: Background and Definition of the DOTL
- Lesson 2: The Timing of the DOTL
- Lesson 3: The DOTL Comes as a Thief in the Night
- Lesson 4: The Day of Christ is the Body’s of Christ’s Equivalent for the Prophetic Program’s DOTL
- Lesson 5: Day of Christ and the DOTL–What’s the Connection?
- Lesson 6: Pertinent Notes on 2 Thessalonians 2, Part 1
- Lesson 7: Pertinent Notes on 2 Thessalonians 2, Part 2
- Lesson 8
- Chart: DOTL View #1
- Chart: DOTL View #2
- Chart: Day of the Lord and the Day of Christ Chart With Explanation
2012 Grace Impact Family Bible Conference
2012 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
- The Pelicans and the Preserved Text – Notes
- The Pelicans and the Preserved Text – Overhead
- The Anatomy of Heresy
2012 Soldiers Training for Service Conference
- Faith of Our Fathers–I: A Brief History Brief History of Dispensational Theology through 1825
- Faith of Our Fathers–II: Advancements in Pauline Truth through 1870, Part 1
- Faith of Our Fathers–III: Advancements in Pauline Truth through 1870, Part 2
2011 Grace Impact Family Bible Conference
- Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the Reformation (Notes)
- Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the Reformation (Presentation)
- Inerrancy and the King James Bible (Notes)
- Inerrancy and the King James Bible (Presentation)
2011 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
- What Is Truth? (Notes)
- What Is Truth? (Presentation)
- The People And Process Of Preservation (Notes)
- The People And Process Of Preservation (Presentation)
- The Product Of Preservation (Notes)
- The Product Of Preservation (Presentation)
- The Language And Readability Of The King James Bible (Notes)
- The Language And Readability Of The King James Bible (Presentation)
2011 Graceway Bible Church Edgewater, Florida
2010 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
- The Pauline Prayer Paradigm (PDF)
- The Pauline Prayer Paradigm (PowerPoint)
- The Pauline Prayer Paradigm Practically Applied (PDF)
- The Pauline Prayer Paradigm Practically Applied (PowerPoint)
2010 Teen Summer Camp
- The Freedom to be Different (PDF)
- The Freedom to be Vulnerable (PDF)
- The Freedom to be Vulnerable (PowerPoint)
- The Freedom to be Candid (PDF)
- The Freedom to be Candid (PowerPoint)
- The Freedom to Make Mistakes (PDF)
- The Freedom to Make Mistakes (PowerPoint)
2010 Summer Family Bible Conference
2009 Great Lakes Grace Bible Conference
2009 Summer Family Bible Conference
- The Four Great Challenges Facing Grace Young People
- Grace and Truth: A Study of Grace in the Kingdom Program
2009 Teen Winter Retreat
The following files are copies of my notes from the 2009 Teen Winter Retreat at Fort Faith Camp in Morley Michigan. These notes, along with the Bibliography of Suggested Reading are being posted at the request of the teens themselves. The Bibliography contains suggestions for further study of the topic of Apologetics. I hope they are a benefit to all. Note: These were my personal notes and have not been extensively proofread for typos or grammatical mistakes.
- Teen Winter Retreat 2009 Presentation
- Teen Winter Retreat 2009 Lesson 1
- Teen Winter Retreat 2009 Lesson 2
- Teen Winter Retreat 2009 Lesson 3
- Teen Winter Retreat 2009 Lesson 4
- Teen Winter Retreat 2009 Lesson 5
- Bibliography Of Suggested Reading
Truth Time Radio Controversy
- Response to TTRs Blogpost–What Happens When You Put A History Teacher Above God’s Word (4/7/22)
- Response to TTRs Blogpost–The History Teacher Barks Back (5/11/22)
- Response to TTRs Blogpost–Noah Webster The Calvinist King James Bible Corrector (5/29/22)
From The Pastors Pen
- Producing A Proper Perspective On The Preface Complete Document (Updated)
- Response to Aaron Taylor’s YouTube Video–“Easter” Is Pagan, So Why Do Believers Celebrate It? (4/12/23)
- Sonship Edification: Tracing Its Origin & Development Within The Mid-Acts Grace Movement
- Faithful Saying of 2 Timothy 2:11-13: What Does It Mean to Reign With Christ
- The Apocrypha and the King James Bible
- The Peopling of the Americas Scientific, Historical and Scriptural Investigation
- The Protestant Revolution and the Thirty Years’ War
- Living by Grace in Your Marriage – Study Guide
- Index of Pauline Prayer
- What is History? How Should Believers View History?
- The Anatomy of Heresy
- The Scientific Argument Against Evolution Complete Article
- The Incredible Accuracy of Luke
- The Battle of Tours
- Did Paul Know the Mystery When He Wrote Romans? An Investigation of E.W. Bullinger’s Postscript Theory
- Do People Go to Hell With Their Sins Forgiven
- Ifs, Ands, and Buts: The Two Inheritance Controversy of Romans 8:17 2nd Edition
- Rightly Dividing E.W. Bullinger: The Most Intriguing Story Never Told–Grace Journal of Theology Vol. 1 No. 1–Spring, 2014
- Is the Reading in the King James Bible for Mark 1:2-3 Correct?
- Acts 12:4 Don’t Passover Easter: Why Everything You Thought You Knew Is Wrong
- Apologetics In the Dispensation of Grace
- The Believer and Philosophy
- The Logic of Grace