
What Is The Flesh?

Have you ever felt like you’re at war with yourself? Like there’s a constant battle raging inside between who you want to be and who you actually are? If so, you’re not alone. This internal struggle is a common experience for many believers, but it’s often misunderstood. Many of us[…]

Emotions in Ministry: A Journey Through Tears and Triumph

In spiritual leadership and ministry, there’s often an unspoken expectation of unwavering strength and composure. We envision our pastors as pillars of stability, always ready with the right words and a steady demeanor. But what if this expectation isn’t just unrealistic, but also contrary to the very nature of genuine,[…]

God’s Provision For Discouragement by Ernie Schierbeek

As we travel the road between salvation and our final destination, we encounter various distractions. One of the many weapons formed against us is discouragement. I think it is Satan’s shiniest tool. It seems to me that the enemy of our souls holds out a false hope tailored just for[…]

The Mystery Revealed: Understanding God’s Plan Through the Ages

Have you ever felt confused when reading different parts of the Bible? Perhaps you’ve noticed seeming contradictions or struggled to reconcile various teachings. The key to unlocking these mysteries lies in understanding how God has worked throughout history, revealing His plan progressively through different dispensations. At the heart of this[…]

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