2024 West Michigan Grace Bible Conference

Understanding The Nature & Character of God The Father

When: October 18-20
Where: Grace Life Bible Church 3020 Lake Michigan Dr. Grand Rapids, MI (map)
Theme: Understanding The Nature & Character of God The Father

Speakers: Mathew Hawley, Charlie McQuillan, & Bryan Ross

Live Streaming: Please note that all start times are Eastern time in the United States.  The meetings will also be live streamed on the GLBC YouTube and Facebook pages as well as on the GLBC website.

Schedule: Times & Topics

Friday, October 18

  • 6:30pm—In The Beginning God: Eternality, & Necessity (Bryan Ross)
  • 7:45pm—I Am The LORD Your God: Holiness & Righteousness (Charlie McQuillan)

Saturday, October 19

  • 9:00am—For I the LORD Your God Am A Jealous God: Jealousy & Perfection (Matt Hawley)
  • 10:15am—For Love is of God: Truthfulness & Love (Bryan Ross)
  • 11:30am—But God, Who Is Rich In Mercy: Mercy & Wrath (Charlie McQuillan)

GLBC will be ordering pizza for lunch.   Please bring $5 to help pay for lunch.

Afternoon Break (12:30-7:00) 

  • 7:00pm—The Foolishness of God Is Wiser Than Men: Wisdom & Longsuffering (Matt Hawley)
  • 8:00pm—Ice Cream Fellowship

Sunday, October 20

  • 9:00am—The Fullness of the Godhead: Unity & Trinity (Charlie McQuillan)
  • 10:15am—God Our Father: Understanding the Believers’ Relationship With Our Heavenly Father (Matt Hawley)
  • 12:00pm—Lunch provided by GLBC

There is no cost to attend these meetings other than the suggested donation for lunch on Saturday.  Anyone is welcome to attend, visitors are encouraged.  Out-of-town visitors please note that hotel arrangements have NOT been organized in advance by Grace Life Bible Church.  If you are coming from a distance and would like a hotel recommendation, please contact Grace Life Bible Church @ (616) 308-8892. PLEASE NOTE: NO CHILDCARE OR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY WILL BE OFFERED ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY.

For questions please contact us via our contact form.

Copyright 2024 Grace Life Bible Church